Multiply your way to heaven
The 5 Verbs of Learning: Practice
Download a printable Discussion Guide for PRACTICE: Days 36 to 40
To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.
Jude 1:24-25
This has been quite a journey. By now the DNA should be a consistent lamp to your feet and your path should be lit by the Scriptures interacting with your thinking, being and doing using the 5 learning verbs. Keep observing how imagine, connect, risk, reflect and celebrate can be used to guide you in serving God. Be open to new possibilities of including new people, risking more, reflecting deeply and celebrating often.
You can encourage those finishing Series 1 to start the second Series of the 40 Days and have them invite others to join them. You may be able to form a team for prayer and encouragement as you each disciple others. The DNA activities are still valid for your personal growth and you can share your experience with the learning verbs. We welcome your stories of what has happened and suggestions on improving the experience.
For Reflection:
- What did you find most helpful in this series? Write us at: [email protected]
- What do the people finishing the DNA series need to do next?
Make Life Count:
- Please take this 2 minute survey to evaluate this series. This will help us improve as well as encourage others to take a risk based on your feedback.
Thirsty for More?
- Telling your story in discipleship on our Facebook page could help someone decide to get involved in these series.
I am looking forward to keeping in touch…