The Fruit of Imitation
The 5 Verbs of Learning: Celebrate
He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
Luke 10:2
I have two favorite photos with my brother and myself each standing beside our dad. In each case the boy in the picture was standing exactly like Dad. When his hands were in his pocket, that is what I imitated. When his hands were behind his back, that is what my brother imitated. No one told us to stand that way, we just naturally imitated the example Dad gave us.
And that happens in discipleship. We imitate Christ but we often do that through the people who help disciple us. We imitate them as they imitate Christ. Through this process the Jesus pattern is formed in us. We then go on to provide the pattern that others imitate. It is not a question IF others will imitate us but what is the pattern we provide WHEN they imitate us. By changing our pattern, we can change the type of disciples that will come after us.
For Reflection:
- Celebrate something you imitated from your upbringing.
- Today’s verse is on praying for laborers. Who is imitating your prayer?
Make Life Count:
- Do you need to return to setting your phone alarm at 10:02 to remember to pray for laborers? (Or if you are doing this already, reflect on how it is helpful.How is God answering that prayer?)
- Tell us a 10:02 story so we can share it with others.
Thirsty for More?
- Google “Daily Luke 10:2 prayer” and browse the results to see what organizations encourage daily prayer for labourers.
- (You might have to scroll to the second page of results.)
Together in mission…