Become a practitioner
The 5 Verbs of Learning: Risk
He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
Luke 11:28
We need to practice what we observe and imitate in order to become proficient. It could be summed up in being ‘doers of the Word’, where we have the necessary skill and ability to disciple others in our own environment without requiring the direct support of programs. It suggests continued practice resulting in improvement.
In front of our house there is a group of young people who love to practice jumps and turns on their skate boards. I am amazed at their seemingly endless ability to practice.
We practice engaging the Scriptures, relating in community, embracing God’s mission to the world. We practice listening, asking questions, answering with a loving word. We practice praying, and giving. We practice risk taking and reflection on what we are learning. We practice the ‘one-another’ commands. In our bike riding analogy, practice permits taking off the training wheels and riding the bike wherever you wish to go.
For Reflection:
- What are some of the spiritual skills in discipleship that improve through practice?
- How do you feel the practice in Series 1 is going?
Make Life Count:
- Where are you ready to risk by “taking off the training wheels” in something you are practicing? Practice something today.
- Tell us something you are learning by practice in your relationship with God and with others.
Thirsty for More?
- Practice involes the potential for failure. Read where the disciples failed and what they learned from it. Reflect on any failure in your own life. What have you learned?
Practicing learning…