Help another learn
The 5 Verbs of Learning: Connect
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:31-32
When we respond to Jesus by faith, he changes what we know, what we do and who we are. We know new things about who God is. We become something new, children of God, and we learn to be patient and kind, loving and gentle, self-controlled and joyful. This is the fruit of the Spirit living inside us. And we do new things, like continuing in the Scriptures, praying, helping those in need, telling the truth, serving and giving. It is not enough to know about God, but the presence of Emmanuel, God with us, transforms everything. We get to know God.
We talked about bike riding in the first series. To make a bike work we need to know, be and do certain things. We are also helped by someone who comes along side us as we learn. Discipleship follows the same pattern of individual experiential learning encouraged by the help of another.
For Reflection:
- What are the knowing, being and doing skills in riding a bike?
- How is discipleship like coming alongside someone who is learning to ride a bike?
Make Life Count:
- What can you do to help someone hold to Jesus’ teaching today? What does Jesus promise?
- Where would you like an increased measure of freedom? How do the Scriptures relate to this?
Thirsty for More?
- Memorize John 8:31-32
Riding alongside…