Invite someone else
The 5 Verbs of Learning: Connect
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”
Matthew 4:19
The next step in Jesus’ method was inviting others to join him in this learning adventure. He called them and said “Follow me”. It was a big choice because it meant leaving everything: their fishing nets and their families to follow him as their teacher. It was an uncomfortable itinerant lifestyle. But it afforded day and night access to the Lord of the universe, something that was both costly and unimaginably rich.
Once we realize we have the power to make choices that help us grow, our next step is choosing connection. We move from singular to plural. We accept the invitation to follow. We realize as we join forces with Jesus and other learners, we can accomplish far more together than what we could do separately. We are challenged to leave our comfort zones and join with others in the learning adventure. God invites and we accept which allows us to enter the disciple relationship. The second learning verb is ‘to connect’.
For Reflection:
- How did you react to Jesus inviting you to ‘follow’ him’?
- How are you connecting with others in learning conversational prayer?
Make Life Count:
- Invite someone to join you in something today.
- What do you think Jesus is inviting you to? How are you responding?
Thirsty for More?
- Think of someone you know who is just waiting for an invitation from God to follow Him. What can you do to make that invitation real?
Let’s keep inviting others into the story….